- What we stand for -

The Radiant Initiative



The Radiant Initiative exists to educate, equip, and empower the underserved in emergent countries to transcend economic, personal, and spiritual hardship by facilitating dynamic partnership between target community leaders and philanthropists leaders.  We exist to give the world an encounter with Jesus, through meeting practical, physical and spiritual needs.


The Radiant Initiative exists to equip local leaders with access to the leadership tools necessary to transform their communities. Through educational and economic empowerment, we fuel change within local communities in the developing world. 


About Radiant

The Radiant Initiative is a nonprofit organization, founded in 2019 by Brittney Hoot. It was created to educate, equip and empower people all over the world with identity, vision and purpose, so that we can each individually walk in the fullness of Jesus, therefore changing the world around us. The Radiant Initiative is a 501 c(3) nonprofit organization. 100% of your donations are tax deductible.

What we do … Educate … Equip … Empower 


  • We educate people with kingdom principles to enable them to transcend cultural, social and economic barriers. We do this by conducting targeted leadership workshops and investing in educational infrastructure, including schools, and community centers.


  • Domestically: We provide opportunities for American leaders to strategically invest time and resources in the developing world through missions and outreach experiences. Each participating leader is asked to conduct post-mission domestic outreach to empower leaders within their network and thereby broaden the reach of our philanthropic mission.

  • Abroad: Our organization serves as a bridge-builder between global philanthropists and local  communities. We equip local leaders with skills to take advantage of local resources and outside capital to transform communities in need. 


  • Rather than developing systems dependent on outside investment, our program focuses on educating, equipping and empowering local leaders to maintain sustainable community transformation. The poverty cycle is fueled by lacking resources which preclude education and empowerment. We educate and empower to ensure that every child has the resources and tools to determine a future free from the encumbrances of poverty. Our emphasis on empowerment and education makes investment in our mission sustainable and much less capital-intensive.